COLUMBIA, S.C. -- Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani paid $25,000 and filed paperwork Friday to become the first official participant in the early GOP primary here.
The news and information site for the presidential campaign of Rudy Giuliani
COLUMBIA, S.C. -- Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani paid $25,000 and filed paperwork Friday to become the first official participant in the early GOP primary here.
With former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani consistently leading early polls for the Republican presidential nomination, pundits have spilled an ocean of ink concerning his electability. Having recently sat down with the man, let me tell you why I consider Giuliani a candidate wholly appropriate for our times.
From the Congressional Quarterly:
Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has led the long list of 2008 Republican presidential contenders in early preference polls — and his perceived position as the front-runner, at least for now, was not contradicted by his recent campaign finance report, which shows he has already built a sizable treasury.
Giuliani’s campaign reported total first-quarter receipts of $16.6 million, which included a $1.85 million transfer from the presidential “exploratory” committee he established last November.
With total receipts of $18 million for his campaign to date, Giuliani leads all but three of the current crop of White House hopefuls — Democratic Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Barack Obama of Illinois, and Republican Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor — in overall campaign receipts.
There has been a sudden and highly significant shift in the Democratic Presidential race: Hillary Clinton is rapidly losing her frontrunner position to Barack Obama as her negative ratings climb.
According to the Gallup poll, most Americans don't like Hillary Clinton and the number of people who view her negatively has been steadily increasing ever since she announced her candidacy for President in January.
As Earth Day dawns Sunday, Americans should consider the relationship between environmentalists and the former mayor of the capital of Earth. From New York's City Hall, Rudolph W. Giuliani successfully confronted green zealots while advancing science and technology. Here again, Giuliani stands well right of where his detractors might expect.
Rasmussen | 4/17/07
The Collegian Online | Jordan Ruud
Issues of Giuliani’s potential purely as a leader aside, how does he hold up as a candidate in the eyes of his own party?
According to a Cook Political Report poll from April 1, he draws the highest potential vote from Republicans nationwide: 34 percent of the potential vote, as opposed to John McCain’s 17 percent.
The poll was conducted prior to Giuliani’s emphatic championing of abortion rights and his acknowledgment that he would not try to overturn Roe vs. Wade.
“If I’m going to appoint strict constructionist judges, which I’m going to do, for the reason that they are going to strictly interpret the Constitution, then, as president, I have to be a strict constructionist,” Giuliani said during an April 5 news conference. “The present state of the law on these issues is not something that I would seek to change.”
Here's an excerpt from the Associated Press article detailing the reactions to the SCOTUS decision from major presidential candidates:
Giuliani favors abortion rights and has drawn criticism for supporting public funding of some abortions. But he says he would appoint justices very similar to Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito, President Bush's appointees. Both were part of the majority in Wednesday's ruling.
Giuliani said in a statement that he approves of the high court's action.
"The Supreme Court reached the correct conclusion in upholding the congressional ban on partial birth abortion. I agree with it," he said.
The conventional wisdom about presidential nomination campaigns is almost always wrong. And the pundits' dismissal of former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani's bid for the Republican nomination will not improve their batting average. Even though Giuliani is way ahead of everybody in early primary polls, the experts are already writing Giuliani's obituary.
Zogby Poll: Giuliani, Clinton Hold Wide Leads in Nevada
Audiocips available here
Giuliani leads Republicans with 37% support and Clinton tops Democrat rivals at 35% as other major candidates lag behind
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has surged to a double-digit lead over his Republican rivals, and Hillary Clinton enjoys a significant lead over her fellow Democratic challengers among likely Nevada caucus–goers, a new Zogby International telephone poll shows.
If the 2008 presidential race comes down to Rudy vs Hillary, the past may tell us something about the future. The Brody File went back to March of 2000. Hillary and Rudy were running against each other for the U.S. Senate at the time. (Giuliani eventually had to pull out because of a cancer diagnosis) Anyhow, just to refrsh everybody's memories (or maybe you didn't know) Rudy sent an eight page fundraising letter to his supporters blasting Clinton's non-religiousity. Read below from the Newsweek article:
"As a republican moderate who supports abortion, gay rights and gun control, New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has to look hard for ways to woo the right wing. A fund-raising letter he sent out last October is a perfect case in point. In it, Giuliani attacked Hillary Rodham Clinton for her "hostility toward America's religious traditions" and portrayed her as a leader of a "left-wing elite" that has waged a "relentless, 30-year-war against America's religious heritage."
"I am outraged that he would inject religion into this campaign in any form whatsoever," she said, adding later that she wants a campaign based on "ideas and issues, not insults." Confronted by Clinton's demand that he "take responsibility" for the fund-raising letter, he said, "Not only do I stand by the letter, I'd like everyone in New York state to read it." He went on to repeat that liberals like Clinton were wrong to prohibit public schools from posting the Ten Commandments in classrooms. When Clinton, campaigning upstate, replied that the Supreme Court had ruled such displays unconstitutional, Giuliani responded with humor. The next day he wrapped up a press briefing on the city budget with a slide of the Ten Commandments--and got a laugh."
LaGRANGE, Ga. -- You wouldn't expect the Rev. Mike Reeves to like Rudolph Giuliani much.
The conservative Baptist preacher from this city near the Alabama border is adamantly against abortion and gay marriage. Nonetheless, if he had to choose from the current Republican presidential candidates Reeves would pick the thrice-married former mayor of liberal New York, who supports abortion and gay rights.
"He's strong," Reeves said. "I think we need a president who's going to look our enemies in the eye and say, 'No more,' and they'll know he means it."
I watch him do these things as he makes his way down Market Street in Charleston's famed Historic District, which on this bright and warm spring day is packed with tourists.
They call his name -- "Rudy! Rudy! Over here, Rudy!" -- and take his picture and, though often lacking both paper and pen (he will provide both), they ask for his autograph.
By Rick Klein, Globe Staff
HAMPTON FALLS, N.H. -- The guests at Thomas and Ellen Christo 's home on New Hampshire's Seacoast on Monday night knew Rudolph W. Giuliani's history well -- his three marriages, his support for abortion rights, even recent news of a federal investigation targeting his former business partner and police commissioner, Bernard Kerik .
The former mayor of New York leads Sen. John McCain by a 36 percent to 24 percent margin among the state's likely GOP primary voters, and is the choice of nearly four in 10 of those who say they are "strongly conservative."
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) remains on top, but his support dips below the 30% mark for the first time in seven weeks. With Thompson in the mix, Giuliani’s support tumbles to 26%, down nine points from a week ago. That’s the lowest level of support measured for Giuliani in any Rasmussen Reports poll this year.
NEW CASTLE, N.H. -- Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Tuesday that the country needs to stay on the offensive against terrorists.
The Republican presidential hopeful spoke at a breakfast with the Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce. He said laws like the Patriot Act that allow electronic surveillance are necessary.
WMUR article