Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Rudy Giuliani remains #1 in Florida
Rudy Giuliani (26%)
Mike Huckabee (17%)
John McCain (13%)
Mitt Romney (12%)
Fred Thompson (9%)
Ron Paul (3%)
Duncan Hunter (1%)
Tom Tancredo (1%)
Undecided (18%)
The poll was conducted Nov. 25 and 26 among 675 likely voters in the January Republican primary. It has a margin of error of about three-and-a-half percent.
read>>> InsiderAdvantage/Majority Opinion Research poll
Rudy visits Pennsylvania
Tribune-Review | David Brown
Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani said Tuesday it would be a mistake to place high expectations on this week's Middle East peace talks in Annapolis.
On a brief visit to Pittsburgh, the former New York mayor took an indirect swat at Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton by criticizing her husband's approach to the Middle East.
"I don't think we should have unrealistic expectations" for the Annapolis summit, Giuliani said in an interview with the Tribune-Review. "I don't think we should raise hopes too high, because it is a very, very difficult situation.
"In the past, when you go back to the Clinton days, we've made a mistake in raising expectations and then having great failure. If anything, it sort of extended the problem."
Rudy Giuliani: "He (Mitt) throws stones at people" | Maggie Gallagher
It's Christmas, and war is breaking out all over.
Thank Iowa. The state's unusually early Jan. 3 start date -- three days before the Feast of the Epiphany -- has sparked a sudden outbreak of pugilism among presidential candidates right and left.
Meanwhile, Rudy chose the Politico Web site as the venue for taking off the gloves on Mitt Romney. It's time to "take the mask off and take a look at what kind of governor was he," announced Giuliani, later adding: "He throws stones at people. And then on that issue he usually has a worse record than whoever he's throwing stones at."
Friday, November 23, 2007
Rudy Giuliani’s second television commercial - “CHALLENGES” is now on air in New Hampshire and the Boston television markets
Voice Over: “The world’s 17th largest economy. Swimming in red ink. Record crime. Runaway taxes. A million on welfare. That was New York. Until Rudy. He cut taxes 9 billion. Welfare 60 percent. Crime in half. The most successful conservative turnaround in 50 years. In America’s most liberal city, Rudy delivered. And he can do it again, in a place called Washington, D.C.”
Rudy Giuliani leads Hillary Clinton by 4 in national poll

Election 2008: Clinton vs. Giuliani & Thompson
Rasmussen Reports
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) enjoying a modest four-point lead of 46% to 42% over Senator Hillary Clinton (D) (see crosstabs). That’s the second time in the last three Rasmussen Reports election polls that Giuliani has held the advantage over Clinton.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Survey USA: Giuliani beats Clinton in Missouri
Best to worst versus Hillary:
45% Giuliani (+2) 44% Clinton (-6) 10% Undecided
46% McCain (+1) 47% Clinton (-1) 7% Undecided
44% Romney (+3) 47% Clinton (-3) 9% Undecided
43% Huckabee (+3) 49% Clinton (-2) 8% Undecided
AP: Giuliani Addresses Energy at NASCAR Race
HOMESTEAD, Fla. (AP) — As pit crews made last-minute inspections to their cars Sunday at NASCAR's Ford 400 at Homestead-Miami Speedway, Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani stressed the need for America to break its dependence on foreign oil.
Giuliani likened the pursuit of energy independence and the development of alternative energy sources to the race to put a man on the moon several decades ago.
"Now it's a matter truly of national security," Giuliani said. "We have to pursue all of those alternatives that exist."
read>>> AP Article
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Gallup Poll: Giuliani Leads, Four More at or Above 10% in GOP Contest
Friday, November 16, 2007
Giuliani leads in Nevada
LAS VEGAS, Nevada (CNN) -- Now that the Democrats are done debating in Las Vegas, it's time for the next act. Bring on the elephants.
A new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll of likely Nevada Republican caucus goers shows Rudy Giuliani in first place as a presidential nominee.
The former New York City mayor was the first choice of 29 percent in the survey out Friday.
Rudy Giuliani and the NASCAR vote
Atlanta Journal-Constitution | KEN HERMAN
WASHINGTON — omehow, some folks in the land of y'all have cottoned to a GOP presidential candidate from the land of youse guys.
And ex-New York mayor Rudy Giuliani will make another foray into the symbolic heart of southern culture Sunday as he soaks in the ambiance of the Ford 400 NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Finale in Homestead, Fla.
For Giuliani, like an anthropologist currying favor in another culture, it's another day of mingling at a tribal ritual.
Rudy Giuliani Would Select Conservative Judges
(AP) Rudy Giuliani assured a conservative legal group Friday that if elected president he would appoint federal judges who adhere to their principles. He also praised a judge who declared the capital city's gun ban unconstitutional and ridiculed efforts to eliminate the words "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance.
related -
RedState blog:: Rudy Giuliani's remarks to the Federalist Society
Thursday, November 15, 2007
About Judith Regan
"It sounds to me like a kind of gossip column story more than a real story," he said on a campaign stop in Iowa.
"The last thing in the world you want to do when you're running for President is respond to gossip column-type stories."
read>> New York Daily News
Poll: Rudy, Hillary tied in Ohio
And having Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland on the ticket as a vice presidential candidate — a job Strickland says he is not interested in — would not help the Democratic presidential candidate, according to the poll from Quinnipiac University in Connecticut.
Giuliani best for business
The presidential election is more than a year away, but Business Journal readers think Republican candidate Rudy Giuliani would be the best for business.
A recent poll asking readers which of eight candidates would be best for business found the former New York City mayor with 32 percent of the 220 votes. Former Massachusetts governor and GOP candidate Mitt Romney came in second at 15 percent, followed by Democratic candidate and New York Sen. Hillary Clinton at 14 percent.
read>> Business Journal
ABC News: Get to Know Rudy Giuliani
read>> ABC News story
Rudy Giuliani TV ad - 'Tested'
"So I believe I've been tested in a way in which the American people can look to me. They are not going to find perfection. But they're going to find someone who has dealt with crisis almost on a regular basis, and has had results."
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Pat Robertson to Endorse Rudy Giuliani
Las Vegas Sun | Liz Sidoti
MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) - Pat Robertson, a prominent Christian leader and social conservative, will endorse Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, GOP officials confirmed Wednesday.
The former New York mayor backs abortion rights and gay rights, positions that put him in conflict with GOP orthodoxy, and has been trying to convince cultural conservatives to overlook their differences with him on those issues. That makes the support of a high-profile religious conservative like Robertson a particular boon.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Rudy Giuliani doesn't think we are ready for Clinton, part 2
ABC News
ABC News' Jan Simmonds reports: With an Elvis impersonator crooning just two floors below him, Rudy Giuliani, R-N.Y., took aim on Friday at both Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., and her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
Speaking at a town hall in Berlin, New Hampshire, Giuliani first set his sights on Hillary Clinton and used humor to answer a question about Clinton's much analyzed debate response on whether she supported a plan to grant driver's licenses to illegal aliens in New York state.
"Oh gee I can't figure out what to think," said Giuliani satirizing Clinton.
"Don't pick on me by asking that question. That's a gotcha question. Do not pick on me for asking that question. Now let me see what I think…. Let me see… First put up your hands and tell me what you think. Then I'll tell you what I think. Are you for it or against it? Ok, you're not gonna tell me. So I'm for it, for it. I am against it. I'm for it and against it. And I wanna be your president."
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Gallup: Guiliani has best chance of defeating Clinton
Gallup News Service | Joseph Carroll
PRINCETON, NJ -- The vast majority of Americans say former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has an excellent or good chance both of being elected president and of defeating Hillary Clinton in the November 2008 general election if Clinton is the Democratic presidential candidate. None of the other leading Republican candidates comes close to Giuliani on either measure. Americans give Giuliani, Arizona Sen. John McCain, and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney slightly better chances of “being elected president” than of “defeating Hillary Clinton.”
Friday, November 02, 2007
Missouri Sen. Kit Bond Backs Giuliani
WashPost | Michael D. Shear
Missouri Sen. Kit Bond was announced as a new national co-chair and liaison to former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani's presidential campaign today.
"America is hungry for a President who will say what he means, and do what he says. The American people want and deserve a genuine leader,and that is Rudy Giuliani," Bond said in a statement. "Rudy has the leadership qualities and the experience to handle whatever challenges America faces in the next 10 years."
"Kit Bond is a leader when it comes to making sure those on the front lines of the Terrorists' War on Us have the resources they need," Giuliani said. "He is a well respected life long public servant dedicated to the people of Missouri and I am honored to have his support."
Giuliani Overtakes Rodham Clinton in Virginia: 46% - 43%
Rudy Giuliani (R) 46% - 43% Hillary Rodham Clinton (D)
Republican Rudy Giuliani holds a slight edge over Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Old Dominion State, according to a poll by Rasmussen Reports. 46 per cent of respondents in Virginia would support the former New York City mayor in a head-to-head 2008 United States presidential contest, while 43 per cent would vote for the New York senator.