Tuesday, July 31, 2007
RudyCare: Market reforms for U.S. Health Care
Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani on Tuesday offered a consumer-oriented solution to the nation's health care woes that relies on giving individuals tax credits to purchase private insurance.
Critical to Giuliani's plan is a $15,000 tax deduction for families to buy private health insurance, instead of getting insurance through employers. Any leftover funds could be rolled over year-to-year for medical expenses.
Campaigning in this first primary state, Giuliani said his goal is to give individuals more control over their health care. The former New York mayor said as more people buy plans, insurers will drop their prices, making insurance affordable to those who lack it now.
"Government cannot take care of you. You've got to take care of yourself," he said. "As more of us do that, the cheaper it will become and the higher in quality it becomes."
Giuliani offered the broad outline of his plan but his campaign did not provide many specifics, including the estimated cost.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Giuliani leads GOP race according to Rasmussen
Rudy Giuliani: Democrats want a controlling "nanny government"

In New Hampshire today, Rudy says:
"Democrats are kind of falling over each other seeing who can raise taxes faster. It looks like they're going to raise taxes anywhere between 20 to 30 percent. John Edwards just said he's going to raise the capital gains tax double that. Last time we did that, we lost 40 percent in revenue. The last time we did what John Edwards is discussing, the United States lost revenue by basically discouraging people from making investments."
Friday, July 27, 2007
TEAM RUDY: Wraps up the week
What a great week for our campaign. This week Rudy released the first three of many radio ads in Iowa and New Hampshire that highlight his proven record as a fiscal conservative by cutting taxes, welfare rolls and reining in government spending. More good news this week came in the form of a Washington Post/ABC News national poll which has Rudy leading his closest rival by 21 points. We're running a strong campaign and thanks to your generous support, we are able to continue taking Rudy's optimistic vision for America all across the country.
Team Rudy
Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee
Rudy Supports the King Amendment
Rudy Giuliani supports Rep. Peter King's Amendment to provide legal protection for responsible and alert citizens who report suspected terrorist activity.Rudy Will Lead America Toward Energy Independence
As President, Rudy will move America toward energy independence. It will require setting goals, sticking to them and energizing the American people to achieve them. It will require expanding our reliance on a much more diverse range of energy sources that America can control.Rudy Launches New Radio Ads in Iowa & New Hampshire
The Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee announced this week it launched radio ads in New Hampshire and Iowa on Tuesday entitled: "Out of Control," "Will Do" and "Garbage Can."
Rudy Shows Commitment to Delaware
The Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee announced that Misty Haungs has joined the growing campaign team in Delaware as the state political director based in Wilmington.
Rudy Announces More Endorsements in Iowa
The Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee announced endorsements in Southeast Iowa. Following Mayor Giuliani's swing through Iowa last week, which concluded at a town hall meeting with hundreds of local voters in Davenport, Mayor Giuliani earned endorsements from several county chairs and co-chairs throughout the region.
Florida poll: Rudy Giuliani leads
News Journal capital bureau
TALLAHASSEE -- A new Florida poll shows Republican Fred Thompson, the actor and former senator who refuses to make his presidential bid official, in a virtual tie with former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani among likely GOP voters.
The Mason-Dixon Polling and Research poll released Friday shows Giuliani clinging to a 21 percent to 18 percent lead over Thompson, which was within the poll's 5-point margin for error.

Rudy: Democrats are "the party of losers"
"Democrats have already declared we've lost," the former New York mayor said during a campaign stop in Texas. "It's really strange. The Democrats want to give our enemies a timetable. Never in history of war has a retreating army been asked to give a timetable.
read>>> International Herald Tribune
Rudy: GOP surprise-to-date
The Star-Ledger | John Farmer
The money and momentum in the presidential race all may be on the Democratic side, but the closest thing to a big surprise is found in the Republican contest.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Yes, ultimately it is about electability
Washington Post | Dan Balz and Jon Cohen
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll of the GOP field shows Giuliani with a sizable lead over his three principal rivals.
The former mayor was the choice of 37 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, well ahead of Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) and former senator Fred D. Thompson (Tenn.).
CAIR Goes Politically Correct on Rudy Giuliani
You had to know this was coming.
The Council on American Islamic Relations, the Saudi-funded radical Islamic front group named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas funding trial, has put out one of their infamous “Action Alerts” on Rudy Giuliani—because he used the words “Islamic terrorism:”
read>>> Little Green Footballs
Monday, July 23, 2007
Wow, Rudy and Obama girls! Hot!
The visits to this YouTube video production of "Debate '08: Obama Girl vs Giuliani Girl" continue!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Giuliani: No 'litmus test' on abortion
Candidates who oppose abortion often have been held to the question of whether or not they might make the issue a "litmus test'' for their appointments of federal judges.
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who favors abortion rights for women, faces the same question in his campaign for the Republican Party's presidential nomination in 2008.
Campaigning in Council Bluffs, Iowa, on Wednesday, Giuliani said he would not make a judicial nominee's stance on the landmark Supreme Court ruling of Roe v Wade a litmus test.
read>>> Chicago Tribune
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Rudy Giuliani addresses U.S. Energy Policy
Earlier this week in New Hampshire, Rudy Giuliani addresses U.S. Energy Policy and suggests specific ideas how we can become more energy independent.
Rudy's Baseball Challenge

The JoinRudy2008 website invites all Rudy supporters to check out "Rudy's Baseball Challenge" and to join the team.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
John McCain begins to fade; Rudy gains

The London Telegraph | Toby Harnden
Republican strategists dissecting the carcass of John McCain's presidential campaign concluded yesterday that Rudy Giuliani is likely to be the biggest beneficiary of his friend and rival's demise.
Although Mr McCain insists that he will fight on despite the resignations this week of his two top aides, a cash crisis and falling polls numbers, senior Republicans believe his White House bid is doomed and all that remains is for the spoils to be divided.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
No longer Rudy Giuliani's Times Square?

When Rudy Giuliani was mayor of New York City one of the things he certainly accomplished was cleaning up Times Square in the heart of Manhattan.
Will current mayor Michael Bloomberg be known as the mayor that reverses that trend?
What is this all about?
Naked Derrières!
A Manhattan judge is now faced with a question and decision about a pending ad with bare buttocks hanging over Times Square and a nearby church.
Would something like this happen during a Mayor Giuliani administration? Of course not!
Read the NY Times article (warning naked buttocks!) and ask yourself: "At what point do buttocks become too tasteless for public display?"
ABC News: Giuliani Rejects Medical Marijuana Use
Presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani said Tuesday that people who want to legalize marijuana for medical purposes really just want to make the drug available to everyone.
"I believe the effort to try and make marijuana available for medical uses is really a way to legalize it. There's no reason for it," the former New York mayor said during a town hall-style meeting at New Hampshire Technical Institute.
ABC News
Poll Watch: ARG GOP Illinois Primary
- Rudy Giuliani 30%
- Fred Thompson 21%
- John McCain 12%
- Mitt Romney 11%
- Newt Gingrich 5%
read>>> race42008 blog
Giuliani bolsters foreign policy team
The former New York City mayor announced his foreign policy team today. It will be headed by Charles Hill, a former executive aide to Ronald Reagan’s Secretary of State George P. Shultz. He’s also a lecturer in the International Security Studies program at Yale University and a research fellow at the Hoover Institution.
read>>> Politics on the Hudson
Rudy on Vitter, McCain
In a press avail after his morning speech in Concord, NH, Giuliani took questions about John McCain's seemingly imploding campaign -- and also about Sen. David Vitter, who has endorsed Giuliani, but who has now admitted to being on a DC Madam's phone list.
On Vitter, Giuliani mostly dodged and said that he hasn't talked to the senator yet. He emphasized "this is a personal issue" and highlighted that he couldn't have achieved so much in the campaign and during his years as mayor without the good character of his staffers and supporters. "But," Giuliani added, "Some people disappoint you."
On McCain, he painted the changes in McCain's campaign as part of the ups and downs of the trail. "This is way too early for anybody to be written off," Giuliani said. "John McCain is a fighter."
Monday, July 09, 2007
USA Today/Gallup:Giuliani 30 Thompson 20 McCain 16 Romney 10
Giuliani 30% Thompson 20% McCain 16% Romney 9% Gingrich 6% Huckabee 2% Hunter 2% Tancredo 2% Brownback 1% Hagel 1% Tommy Thompson 1%. Gilmore 0% Paul 0%
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Is Rudy the Democrats’ worst nightmare?
Mark Shields, in the Washington Post, once called presidential elections the “most personal vote.” Party identification or other factors may be decisive in elections for Congress or state offices, but the presidency is unique. Issues are the most important reason someone wins, of course, but personal factors can often tip the balance in close national elections.
Based on his heroic image, his obvious executive ability, his making New York City a livable, governable place and his proven track record as a winner on overwhelmingly Democratic turf, Giuliani would be an extremely dangerous opponent for Democrats. In his 1997 re-election, Rudy ran 38 points ahead of Republican registration. He won nearly half of all Democrats and more than two-thirds of white Democrats. Not even Ronald Reagan was able to do that.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Rudy Giuliani Brings in Campaign Cash - A Strong Quarter of Fundraising

Giuliani trumpets fund-raising gain
Tops GOP field in quarterly cash race, lags top Democrats
By William L. Watts, MarketWatch
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - Top officials from Republican presidential contender Rudy Giuliani's campaign on Thursday trumpeted a strong second-quarter fundraising effort and brushed off concerns that Republican candidates are trailing top Democrats in the race for campaign cash.
The former New York mayor's campaign earlier this week announced it had raised $17 million in the second quarter, up slightly from $16.6 million in the first quarter. Other top Republicans, meanwhile, saw their fundraising pace slow.
"We have successfully maintained our first-quarter pace ... our team feels very good about what we accomplished," said Anne Dunsmore, Giuliani's deputy campaign manager for finance.
Giuliani looks beyond early states
WASHINGTON - Rudy Giuliani is using his fundraising advantage among Republican presidential candidates to expand his campaign organizations beyond early nominating contests and into bigger, more expensive states like Florida and California.
Giuliani campaign manager Michael DuHaime, in a teleconference with reporters, said the former New York mayor's fundraising — he hauled in $15 million for the primaries during the last three months — has given him the flexibility to establish a presence in a dozen states.
"We're very confident right now that we are in a very, very strong place," DuHaime said.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Would Lieberman back Giuliani?
U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman, an independent who supports Democrats in Congress despite his backing of the Iraq war, said on Thursday he was not ruling out endorsing a Republican in the White House race.
The 2000 Democratic vice presidential candidate said he also wants to see if an independent enters the crowded field of 2008 presidential hopefuls.
WSJ: Giuliani Support Hints at Shift Emphasis on Defense, Not Social Issues, Attracts Some Republicans
He is a pro-choice, thrice-married New Yorker. So why is Rudy Giuliani the leading presidential candidate in a Republican Party?
Don't look for the party to make a sudden leap to the middle... But Mr. Giuliani's lead in the polls...may hint at the declining clout of those voters and their issues within the Republican party, and perhaps a shift back toward a more libertarian emphasis.
If so, Mr. Giuliani's candidacy could be helping to redefine the Republican party, just as Ronald Reagan's did in 1980...
There are other reasons for Mr. Giuliani's lead... The war in Iraq and spending scandals in Washington focus on Mr. Giuliani's perceived strengths -- fiscally conservative and hawkish on national security...
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
2008 Republican Presidential Primary [Thompson 27% Giuliani 24%]
After weeks of turmoil and change, the race for the Republican Presidential nomination has stabilized.
Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson remains on top in Rasmussen Reports national polling with 27% support. That’s unchanged from a week ago. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is three points behind at 24%.
About Rudy Giuliani at Regent University (Again)
Weekly Standard | Matthew Continetti
Giuliani gets a standing ovation at Pat Robertson's university.
It was June 26, and Rudy Giuliani was surprised. This was his first visit to Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia, the headquarters of televangelist and onetime GOP presidential candidate Pat Robertson's media and education efforts. The Regent campus was much larger than Giuliani had expected.
The former New York City mayor was at Regent to participate in the school's executive leadership speaking series. For the pro-choice Giuliani, the speech at Regent demonstrated his willingness to campaign anywhere, including before religious conservatives, for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination. Robertson, the host of the 700 Club, introduced Giuliani to the paying audience of more than 600 people. The two embraced. "I'm not going to give a political speech," Giuliani said. The crowd laughed. Instead Giuliani delivered his speech on leadership.
read>>> Rudy at Regent